Eduardo JosMarn Foal (Colt) Havana, 1941 He graduated from the Academy of Marketing or Advertising Drawing Diego Rivera. His career has encompassed not only painting but besides photography, humor and graphic design, which has done an outstanding job. A member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), Cuban Association of Social Communicators, a member of the International Federation of plastic and Visual Artists in Barcelona, Spain. Estreconocido on the National Register of Makers of Plastic Arts in Cuba and is working on the draft Community Help ArteViva. He has made nearly a dozen solo exhibitions forty YMS group, both in Cuba and abroad. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the First Prize in the VI Poster Biennial in Warsaw, Poland in 1976, Flix Elmuza medal awarded by the Union of Journalists of Cuba and medal for the work in the field of Cuban culture Gmez Ral Garca. His works are in collections in Bolivia, the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Chile, Mexico and other countries. Eduardo JosMarn Foal (Colt) Havana, 1941 He graduated from the Academy of Marketing or Advertising Drawing Diego Rivera. His career has encompassed not only painting but besides photography, humor and graphic design, which has done an outstanding job. A member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), Cuban Association of Social Communicators, a member of the International Federation of plastic and Visual Artists in Barcelona, Spain. Estreconocido on the National Register of Makers of Plastic Arts in Cuba and is working on the draft Community Help ArteViva. He has made nearly a dozen solo exhibitions forty YMS group, both Cuba and abroad. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the First Prize in the VI Poster Biennial in Warsaw, Poland in 1976, Flix Elmuza medal awarded by the Union of Journalists of Cuba and the medal for the work the field of Cuban culture Gmez Ral Garca. His works are in collections in Bolivia, the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Chile, Mexico and other countries.